2017 – 2018

Taking Flight and the Indigenous Youth Leadership Academy: Anglicare runs a range of programs in Horsham, Ararat and Stawell for young people that aim to develop a life long love of learning, to be positive about their lives and what they can achieve, and to make healthy and sensible choices. The programs aim to encourage young students to undertake further study or training and includes such activities as: hikes, sports, arts and music camps. First of a three-year grant.

Asylum Seekers Resource Centre
ASRC Health Program: The ASRC runs a free clinic for people seeking asylum who are members of the ASRC. The service includes onsite appointments, supply of prescription and other medications, maintaining relationships with local community pharmacies and building capacity in the sector, and increasing awareness around asylum seekers’ lack of access to pharmaceutical benefits and the healthcare concession card. First year of a two-year grant.

Australian Youth Climate Coalition/Seed Indigenous Youth Climate Network
AYCC and Seed Training and Capacity Building: The aim of AYCC is to build a generation-wide movement to protect the environment from climate change. Young Australians are educated, inspired and empowered to take action for environmental sustainability in their communities. This grant supports the AYCC Youth Training Program, which involves retreats, camps, monthly training sessions and ongoing mentoring. Seed received funding for capacity building and training.

BackTrack Youth Works
BackTrack Staff Support: BackTrack, based in Armidale, NSW works with young people at risk to increase their participation in education, build skills for employment, to reduce criminal activity and develop resilience and healthy behaviours in order to live a fulfilling life and participate in the community. First year of a five-year grant supporting salaries.

Banksia Gardens Community Services
Banksia Gardens Stronger Foundations Study Program: Banksia Gardens Community Services provide opportunities for those experiencing disadvantage and poverty that lead to further education and employment pathways, enhance well-being and transform lives in the area of Hume. Funding provided for a Study Group, for much needed academic support for children and young people who live or study in Hume, as well as their families. First year of a two-year grant.

Berry Street Victoria
The Berry St Education Model: Research and Evaluation Project 2016-2018 – Year Two: Berry Street works with children, young people and families with the most challenging and complex needs. The Berry Street Education Model provides schools with the training, curriculum and strategies to engage the most challenging students. Final year of a two-year grant that supports the third year of research evaluation with the University of Melbourne, Graduate School of Education.

EdConnect Social Impact 2018: EdConnect connects volunteers who want to make a difference with young people in schools who need extra help and guidance. Final year of a two-year grant that supports the Social Impact Coordinator position whose role is to capture evidence, report change and outcomes, and recommend ways to improve the effectiveness of the program.

Hello Sunday Morning
Proactive Alcohol Health Coaching:
Hello Sunday Morning has a mission to change Australia’s relationship with alcohol. Funding helps support the HSM digital health coaching via their mobile app, ‘Daybreak’. The app provides access to trained professionals who provide proactive health coaching. First year of a two-year grant.

Impact 100 Melbourne
Impact 100 Melbourne is a giving circle hoping to change lives in Melbourne by awarding high-impact grants to charitable organisations. The grant recipient this year was Banksia Gardens Community Services.

Karinya Young Women’s Service
Karinya Young Mums ‘n’ Bubs Program (KYM): Karinya Young Women’s Service Inc. operates a crisis accommodation service for young women in Launceston. The KYM program assists young mothers and pregnant teens in accessing suitable housing and security of tenure.

Marninwarntikura Fitzroy Women’s Resource Centre
Resource and Advocacy Resource to support the development of Health and Education programs for Aboriginal families and children in the Fitzroy Valley: The Resource Centre supports and advocates for the children, young people and families of Fitzroy Crossing in WA. Final year of a three year grant that will contribute to the salary of a full time position with responsibility to support the MWRC executive with program research, policy development and advocacy for programs for health and development of children.

Melbourne Youth Orchestras (formerly Melbourne Youth Music)
Melbourne Youth Orchestras Kimberley Foundation Financial Assistance Program 2018: Melbourne Youth Orchestras (MYO) has been enriching young lives through the power of music for 45 years. They continue to grow a community based on a reputation of excellence, developing the best in young people, unleashing creativity and empowering tomorrow’s leaders through dedication and teamwork. This grant funded scholarship places for students from the MSO Pizzicato Program to attend the Summer School and, to students experiencing financial difficulty, to attend the Ensemble Program. Funds also supported transport for the Summer School Residential Camp and provided some prize money for the MYO Virtuosity Grand Final.

Murdoch Children’s Research Institute
VITALITY Study: MCRI are making a difference to child health through world-leading research. This study examines whether Vitamin D supplementation, given in the first 12 months of life, can prevent the development of food allergies. Second year of a three-year grant.
The Barney Neurofibromatosis Fellowship: This second grant to MCRI supported the establishment of the Fellowship. Neurofibromatosis (NF1) is a common genetic disorder that can affect every organ in the body, leading to tumours that can become cancerous and/or press on vital structures, resulting in visual loss, scoliosis and learning difficulties. ADHD and autism spectrum disorder are much more common in children with NF1. Final year of a two-year grant.

National Trust
Mooramong Activitation Project: Mooramong is an historically significant property in Skipton, Victoria. It is an important site for local indigenous owners, the Wathaurung people, and has associations with the earliest Western District European settlers. It is also the site of the Mackinnon Nature Reserve, under covenant for protection between the National Trust and the Victorian Trust for Nature. First year of a three-year grant to fund the removal of asbestos from outbuildings.

Noble Park Primary School
Hands On Learning and Kitchen Garden Transition Program: Project in partnership with Hands On Learning, involving two major engagement strategies with a new approach to transition. The program combines the HOL component of engaging struggling students through kinaesthetic projects and the Kitchen Garden initiative, which promotes nutrition and a deep understanding and appreciation of diet, food preparation and horticulture.

Outer Urban Projects
OUP Capacity of Zone2 Community Access Program: OUP is a performing arts organisation collaborating with young people in the northern suburbs of Melbourne. It provides long-term artistic activity, employment, social engagement and genuine mentoring opportunities. Final year of a three-year capacity building grant.

Royal Australasian College of Surgeons
The Peter F Williams AO International Surgery Grant
Myanmar Primary Trauma Care Program and Skills Training: Funding for volunteer surgeons to deliver a range of skills courses and instructor training and mentoring programs in Myanmar. Includes Primary Trauma Care Master Classes, surgical skills, education and training and management of surgical emergencies. Second year of a three-year grant.
surgeons.org/media/308236/idp_building_skills_myanmar_apr_sn.pdf surgeons.org

Royal Flying Doctor Service
Delivery of Psychology Services in Far East Gippsland: Funding to support the delivery of a pilot program that will provide psychology services in Far East Gippsland in collaboration with the Gippsland Primary Healthy Network and local health services. The service will involve the provision of a psychologist using a mix of face-to-face and telehealth consultations to these communities in this region. Final year of a two-year grant.

Hands on Learning
Core Capacity Support 2016-2018: An alternative education program that addresses the problem of disengaged young people leaving school early. At risk Year 7- 10 students spend one day a week taking part in creative building projects that benefit the school and the community. Second year of a second three-year grant.
Out Teach Mobile Education
Out Teach is an intensive education and support program for repeat young offendors in Tasmania. Using a dual worker model (teacher/youth worker) to provide mobile and tailored education to support development and strengthen evidence based factors against reoffending, including educational and community engagement.
Small Steps
Small Steps helps build better outcomes for children living in vulnerable communities through effective early intervention programs in Hobart, Tasmania. This collaborative program between Save the Children and Hobart City Mission provides parenting and supported playgroup sessions to homeless or at risk teenage mums in purpose built accommodation. It is a targeted program aimed at young families with complex issues and challenges with their parenting. Funds support the operational costs of the program. Final year of second two- year grant.

Smiling Mind
Supporting teachers to implement mindfulness in the classroom through the provision of freely accessible lesson plans and resources: Smiling Mind is modern mindfulness meditation for young people delivered via a website, a free App and an in-schools program. It has been developed by specialist psychologists with expertise in youth and adolescent therapy, it aims to bring balance to young lives. Funding will support the ongoing review and evaluation of the Smiling Mind educational resources as well as updates and developments of the program materials, including meditations, lessons plans, and a technology platform. Final year of a third two-year grant.

Spina Bifida Foundation
SBFV Children’s Ski Camp 2018: Spina Bifida Foundation Victoria is an independently funded, dynamic and professional not-for-profit organisation dedicated to helping families and individuals living with Spina Bifida. Funds will support an annual ski camp for SBFV members.

Tomorrow: Today Foundation
Education Benalla Program: Tomorrow: Today Foundation is a philanthropic organisation, formed and run by local people to provide funds for local community projects. It is Benalla District’s Community Foundation, working to bring about positive change. Funds used for the “Wanna Play but Can’t Pay” program which provides financial support to children in the 5 to 10 year age group to participate in sporting or recreational activities in Benalla.

Western Community Legal Centre Ltd/WEstjustice
Expanded School Lawyer Program: WEstjustice is a community-based legal service which provides free, accessible and equitable legal services to people in the western suburbs of Melbourne. The School Lawyer project was developed to address the hidden problems within a public school community. By embedding a lawyer within a public school community it aims to build the confidence of students and parents to effectively engage with the justice system in order to improve the stability of school families and the attendance and performance of school students. First year of a two-year grant.

Western Edge Youth Arts
Speak, Act, Learn, and Perform!: Western Edge provides positive arts and education experiences for culturally diverse and disadvantaged young people. This project will build on the achievements of WEYA’s 2016 project at Whittington Primary School. Each child in the school will be engaged in a language-rich performance project which will culminate in a community performance. Second year of a two-year grant.

Yiramalay/Wesley Studio School
Yiramalay/Wesley Studio School Travel Allowance Project: The school is a major educational initiative of the partnership between the Fitzroy Valley community in Western Australia and Wesley College. The school provides a new pathway for Aboriginal students to access mainstream education and for non Aboriginal students to learn “on country” alongside indigenous students. The project provides funds for the travel costs of parents and elders to come to Melbourne, to provide emotional and cultural support to students while they are away from home.