2013 – 2014

AIME Australian Indigenous Mentoring Experience
AIME Victorian Partner: One to one mentoring program involving indigenous high school students and volunteer university students to improve progression rates through school. Two outreach programs were part-funded, one at RMIT and one at Monash University as well as a new outreach program at Federation University. aimementoring.com

Arts Project Australia
Digital Imaging Project: APA is a centre of excellence that supports artists with intellectual disabilities, promoting their work and advocating for their inclusion within contemporary art practice. In 2011 The Kimberley Foundation funded a pilot program, introducing digital imaging equipment and a specific art worker into the studio. The program was pitched at the younger artists in the studio and art works produced were included in an exhibition held in March 2012. The Digital Media program was so successful and popular amongst the artists that it is to be extended to four days a week. artsproject.org.au

Best Chance/Cheshire School
Part Funding for a Parent Counsellor: The Cheshire School provides a specialised 12 month intervention program to support children from Prep through to Grade 4, who have demonstrated significant social, emotional and behavioural problems in their mainstream schools. In a supportive and caring environment, Cheshire helps children and families to identify the fundamental causes of a child’s issues and to overcome the disruptive behaviours that may have become part of everyday life. Final year of a three year grant providing part funding for a family counsellor to work with parents of children at the school to help them understand their child’s behaviour, their responses to the behaviour and to gain skills consistent with the school’s strategies. www.bestchance.org.au/Cheshire/

Colony 47
Mara House: Mara House provides 24 hour supported accommdation for young women who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. The service aims to support the young women to build resilience and a pathway out of homelessness. The funds will provide for a trial of a two carer model and professional development opportunities for staff. colony47.com.au

Friends of the Earth
Advocacy Training Program: This program trains new leaders with key advocacy, project management and communication skills. Course is targeted at people working and volunteering in community and non government organisations. melbourne.foe.org.au

Good Beginnings Australia
High Risk Teenage Mums: Good Beginnings builds better outcomes for children living in vulnerable communities through effective early intervention programs. This collaborative program between Good Beginnings and Hobart City Mission provides parenting programs (Play2Grow) to homeless or at risk teenage mums in purpose built accommodation. It is a targeted program aimed at young families with complex issues and challenges with their parenting. First year of a two-year grant. goodbeginnings.org.au

Hands on Learning
Capacity Building: An alternative education program that addresses the problem of disengaged young people leaving school early. At risk Year 7- 10 students spend one day a week taking part in creative building projects that benefit the school and the community. First year of a three-year grant. handsonlearning.org.au

Melbourne Youth Music
Various individual activities: Melbourne Youth Music (MYM) has been enriching young lives through the power of music for 45 years. They continue to grow a community on a reputation of excellence, developing the best in young people, unleashing creativity and empowering tomorrow’s leaders through dedication and teamwork. Funding for an online documentary and big screen broadcast of the Resurrection Symphony performance in Christchurch, New Zealand, Melbourne Youth Junior Strings performance at the Royal Children’s Hospital and two Summmer School scholarships for young people from the Mirabel Foundation. mym.org.au

Mercy Health
Centre for Maternal & Early Family Health: The centre aims to establish a perinatal mental health registrar program, an annual seminar series and a national Symposium, five collaborative pilot studies and a named Chair of Maternal Psychiatry. mercy.com.au

Murdoch Children’s Research Institute
Health Nuts Study: Final year of a two-year grant to support the research project “Health Nuts Study”. This study is the world’s first population-based study of food allergy with objective measurement of true food allergy. Funds were provided for equipment needed to provide assessments of children taking part in the study. mcri.edu.au

National Trust
Capacity Building across Mornington Peninsula National Trust Sites: Second year of a three-year grant to help fund a staff member to reside at the Mulberry Hill site, to work with existing staff at Endeavour Fern Gully and McCrae Homestead to develop the sustainable and continued use of the three sites in a way that benefits heritage, community and the environment. nationaltrust.org.au/vic/mulberry-hill nationaltrust.org.au/vic/EndeavourFernGully nationaltrust.org.au/vic/mccrae-homestead

Noble Park Primary School
Hands on Learning & Kitchen Garden Transition Program: Project in partnership with Hands On Learning involving two major engagement strategies with a new approach to transition. Combines the HOL component of engaging struggling students through kinaesthetic projects with the Kitchen Garden initiative which promotes nutrition and a deep understanding and appreciation of diet, food preparation and horticulture. nobleparkps.vic.edu.au http://handsonlearning.org.au/

One Disease at a Time
Healthy Skin Program: The organisation’s aim is to target and eliminate one disease at a time, starting with Scabies in indigenous communities in East Arnhem Land. Final year of a three-year grant. 1disease.org
Noble Park Primary School
Hands on Learning & Kitchen Garden Transition Program: Project in partnership with Hands On Learning involving two major engagement strategies with a new approach to transition. Combines the HOL component of engaging struggling students through kinaesthetic projects with the Kitchen Garden initiative which promotes nutrition and a deep understanding and appreciation of diet, food preparation and horticulture. nobleparkps.vic.edu.au http://handsonlearning.org.au/

Outer Urban Projects
Grand Division- A Moved Urban Cantata: OUP is a performing arts organisation collaborating with young people in the northern suburbs of Melbourne. It provides long-term artistic activity, employment, social engagement and genuine mentoring opportunities. This is the final stage of OUP’s Urban Trilogy, a collaborative project between three organisations: OUP, Melbourne Youth Music and MASSIVE Hip Hop Choir. First year of a two-year grant. outerurbanprojects.org

Expressions With Thread: Phunktional is a vibrant, innovative and cutting edge arts company, creating art with and for communities across Australia. They creatively explore issues about conflict and social justice, promoting well-being and sustainability. Expressions With Thread is a ‘Celebrating Cultural Diversity’ project that involves the development of performances, a touring photographic exhibition and the presentation of digital stories written and performed by members of the community in Mildura and Robinvale. phunktional.org.au

Royal Australasian College of Surgeons
The Peter F Williams AO International Surgery Grant Myanmar Primary Trauma Care Program: Funding for three volunteer surgeons to deliver and supervise a PTC Program. Program focuses on training a number of Myanmar health professionals as PTC providers/practitioners in order to establish a core of experienced PTC instructors. surgeons.org/media/308236/idp_building_skills_myanmar_apr_sn.pdf Pacific Islands Fracture Management Course: The Pacific Islands Fracture Management Course in Fiji aims to build expertise in orthopaedic care mainly in the area of trauma (road and industrial). surgeons.org

Royal District Nursing Service
Homeless Person’s Programme: Journey to Better Health: This program aims to improve access for people experiencing homelessness, to holistic, integrated and supportive nursing and health care by providing them with taxi vouchers and MYKI travel cards to enable them to attend vital healthcare appointments. rdns.com.au/

Royal Flying Doctors Service
Mobile Dental Care: Program involves volunteer dentists from Melbourne delivering clinical care and education programs to those most at risk in the Mildura region. First year of a two-year grant. flyingdoctor.org.au

Fresh Nutrition Education (Fresh NED) in Tasmania: Fresh NED is a fresh food skills training program which develops the skills of agency staff, case workers and volunteers providing community food programs, in food safety and nutrition so that they can increase their capacity to support vulnerable clients and increase their access to affordable, nutritious fresh food, in a socially inclusive setting. secondbite.org/FreshNED
Royal Flying Doctors Service
Mobile Dental Care: Program involves volunteer dentists from Melbourne delivering clinical care and education programs to those most at risk in the Mildura region. First year of a two-year grant. flyingdoctor.org.au

SHINE for Kids
Building Capacity and Profile in Victoria: Shine for Kids is a charity that supports children with a family member in the criminal justice system. Funds will provide operational support of SHINE for Kids programs in Victoria, which include Prison Invisits in three prisons, children’s supported transport, case work, financial assistance and advocacy on behalf of children of prisoners and their families. First year of a three- year grant. shineforkids.org.au

The Smith Family
Girls at the Centre Program – Alice Springs: G@C aims to counteract the high absenteeism and school drop out rates of teenage indigenous and non indigenous girls and to support them to build constructive, mature relationships with each other, their schools, families and the broader community. It operates from the Centralian Middle School in Alice Springs. thesmithfamily.com.au

Smiling Mind
Mindfulness Meditation program/Core operational Support: Smiling Mind is modern mindfulness meditation for young people to be delivered via a website, a free App and an in-schools program. It has been developed by specialist psychologists with expertise in youth and adolescent therapy and it aims to bring balance to young lives. Final year of a two-year grant. smilingmind.com.au

Somebody’s Daughter Theatre Company Highwater Theatre Company
Strengthening the Learning: SDTC works with disengaged, high-risk youth who have dropped out of school in the Albury-Wodonga area. They use drama as a vehicle to re engage the students to study, but also provide other health, welfare and educational support. This grant supported the employment of specialist teachers to provide extra tuition for the young HWT young people in order to consolidate their learnings in particular subjects. somebodysdaughtertheatre.com

The Song Room
Tuned in for Life – Wyndham Creative Communities The Song Room provides enhanced learning opportunities for disadvantaged children through free arts programs that are proven to lift their academic performance, attendance and well-being. This project delivered a 12-month music program at St Andrew’s Primary School in Werribee, a school that has a significant level of disadvantage and high number of students with ESL. Final year of a two-year grant. songroom.org.au

Spina Bifida Foundation
Family Summer Camp: This Camp is designed to give children with Spina Bifida an opportunity to develop a sense of independence, improve their self esteem and to increase social interaction between children. sbfv.org.au
Smiling Mind
Mindfulness Meditation program/Core operational Support: Smiling Mind is modern mindfulness meditation for young people to be delivered via a website, a free App and an in-schools program. It has been developed by specialist psychologists with expertise in youth and adolescent therapy and it aims to bring balance to young lives. Final year of a two-year grant. smilingmind.com.au

The Aurora Project and University of Canberra
The Aspiration Initiative Academic Enrichment Program for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander high school students: The Aurora Project runs projects aimed at improving educational outcomes for Indigenous Australians. TAI provides students with intensive and ongoing educational and related support during holiday periods (through residentials and camps) and throughout the year. The aim is to advance and strengthen the academic skills of participants, building their resilience and raising their aspirations. Final year of a two-year grant. auroraproject.com.au/about_TAI

Tomorrow: Today Foundation
Education Benalla Program: Tomorrow: Today Foundation is a philanthropic organisation, formed and run by local people to provide funds for local community projects. It is Benalla District’s Community Foundation, working to bring about positive change. The project’s aim is to ensure all Benalla’s children are socially ready to learn and have basic literacy and numeracy skills before they start school. tomorrowtoday.com.au/

University of Melbourne
A New Early Literacy Assessment to Assist Indigenous and Disadvantaged Children: This grant will fully fund a self contained component of a much larger study examining the impact of the Abecedarian Approach Australia (3a) Development Project. The data generated from the Early Literacy Asssessment will greatly aid the impact of the overall study and data. unimelb.edu.au

Victorian Association for the Care and Resettlement of Offenders
Video Visits Program: VACRO adopts a through care approach, working with individuals, families and communities at the time of arrest, through court, in the prison system and as they transition safely back into community life. The Video Visit program aims to overcome the barriers to the maintenance of parental relationships where children are unwilling or unable to visit their parent in prison. Second year of a three-year grant. vacro.org.au

Yiramalay Foundation
Yiramalay/Wesley Studio School Travel Allowance Project: The school is a major educational initiative of the partnership between the Fitzroy Valley community and Wesley College. The school provides a new pathway for Aboriginal students to access mainstream education and for non Aboriginal students to learn “on country” alongside indigenous students. The project provides funds for the travel costs of parents and elders to come to Melbourne, to provide emotional and cultural support to students while they are away from home. www.yiramalay.net

Western Edge Youth Arts
New Learning Through Old Stories: Western Edge provides positive arts and education experiences for culturally diverse and disadvantaged young people. This project will run at Tate Street Primary School in East Geelong with 50 young people investigating classic folk tales from diverse cultures, a creative writing project and a public performance. westernedge.org.au