2023 – 2024



Buldau Yioohgen (Indigenous Youth Leadership Academy) – Hike to Higher Education

Buldau Yiooghen provides vulnerable young Indigenous people in rural, regional and metropolitan Victoria opportunities to strengthen their connection to culture. Hike to Higher Education encourages students to discover their passion and, from this, build their academic and career journey in an environmental setting that is supportive, scenic, culturally sensitive and challenging. It also helps the participants find a feeling of accomplishment. Funding provided for the hike on Maria Island in Tasmania.



Asylum Seekers Resource Centre

ASRC Health Program

The ASRC runs a free clinic for people seeking asylum who are members of the ASRC. The service includes onsite appointments, supply of prescriptions and some medications, maintaining relationships with local pharmacies and increasing awareness of asylum seekers’ lack of access to pharmaceutical benefits and the healthcare concession card.


The Australian Environmental Grantmakers Network

Australian Environmental Grantmakers Network

Network provides peer support, access to experts and funding opportunities to funders who fund solutions to the climate and nature crises. Untied funding.




Australian Youth Climate Coalition

AYCC Climate Leaders Training Program

The aim of AYCC is to build a generation-wide movement to protect the environment from climate change. Young Australians are educated, inspired and empowered to take action for environmental sustainability in their communities. This grant supports building the scale, commitment, diversity and strategic capacity of their grassroots movement via online and offline programs.



BackTrack Youth Works

BackTrack, based in Armidale, NSW, works with young people at risk to increase their participation in education, to build skills for employment, reduce criminal activity and develop resilience and healthy behaviours in order to live a fulfilling life and participate in the community. Funds this year went towards a solar system on Backtrack accommodation.



Banksia Gardens Community Services

Banksia Gardens Stronger Foundations Study Program: Banksia Gardens Community Services works with people experiencing disadvantage and poverty by providing opportunities that lead to further education and employment pathways, enhanced well-being, and transforms lives in the area of Hume. Funding supported a Study Group that offers much-needed academic assistance to children and young people who live or study in Hume.



Boys to the Bush

Operations and Equipment

BttB works in NSW with community groups, schools and welfare authorities, to identify and support at risk and disengaged boys, aged 10-19 years. They deliver term break and long weekend camps, group and one-on-one Men of Tomorrow “MENtoring” programs to build confidence, communication and resilience.


Community Refugee Sponsorship Australia

Community Refugee Sponsorship Australia

Building the Community Sponsorship Movement

The mission of CRSA is to lead in encouraging, developing and supporting programs that expand and improve refugee resettlement in Australia by harnessing the generosity, goodwill and social capital of everyday Australians. Funding supporting the organisation’s plan to increase the number of community groups for their CRISP program (Community Refugee Integration and Settlement Pilot)


Cure Brain Cancer

Down the Track

Down the Track Youth Worker

Down the Track operates out of the remote community of Lake Cargelligo in NSW.  DTT works with the most vulnerable youth in the community with programs that promote engagement and self-esteem, and reduces youth crime. Two social enterprises provide young people with work experience, skill development, community engagement, confidence, structure and employment activities. Funding contributed to the salary of a youth worker.


Earbus Foundation of Western Australia

Earbus Foundation of Western Australia

Goldfields Support

Earbus Foundation of Western Australia [EFWA] is a multi-award-winning charity established in 2013 to reduce the incidence and impact of otitis media [OM] or middle ear disease on Aboriginal and other at-risk children. EFWA works at over 100 locations across the Pilbara, Goldfields, Peel, Perth Metro, Southeast and Southwest regions of WA, partnering with regional Aboriginal Medical Services, schools, day care centres, kindergartens, child-parent centres and other regional agencies such as Royal Flying Doctor Service and Starlight Children’s Foundation. Funding for services to the Goldfields area in WA.


Environment Tasmania

Environment Tasmania

Salmon Farming Campaigner

Environment Tasmania’s mission is to conserve, connect and inspire stewardship of Tasmania’s natural landscapes.

ET is leading and co-ordinating Tasmania’s movement to remove salmon farms from Macquarie Harbour to stop the imminent extinction of the Maugean Skate. This role will also work to save Tasmania’s iconic rivers such as the Florentine and Derwent from polluting flow-through Salmon Hatcheries.



Environmental Defenders Office

Environmental Defenders Office

End Native Forest Logging

EDO is the largest environmental legal centre in the Australia-Pacific. They work to defend the environment, using the law to protect our wildlife, people and places. Funding to go towards the organisation’s plan for a state other than WA and Vic to commit to phase out native forest logging by 2030, with the focus on NSW.


Environs Kimberley

Environs Kimberley are the peak environmental NGO for the Kimberley region and far north-west Australia. They are dedicated to looking after the health of the land and waters of the region through advocacy and on-ground cultural and natural resources management projects. Untied funding.


Human Rights Law Centre

Human Rights Law Centre

Justice for Aboriginal Children and Young People

Funding supports The Human Rights Law Centre to use their legal and advocacy expertise, strong partnerships and deep knowledge of children’s human rights law and policy, to ensure long-standing positive change in youth justice systems.


Justice Connect

Justice Connect

Not for Profit Law Program

Justice Connect connects people with legal help. They use the power of the law to open up the legal system for those locked out of it, and fight to change the system where it is broken. Funding for their Not for Profit Law Program, a national legal service offering free and affordable legal services to not for profit organisations and social enterprises.



Karinya Young Women’s Service

Karinya Young Women’s Service

Karinya Young Mums Program (KYM)

Karinya Young Women’s Service Inc. operates a crisis accommodation service for young women in Launceston. The KYM program assists young mothers and pregnant teens in accessing suitable housing and security of tenure, and provides learning and social opportunities.


Kids Under Cover

Kids Under Cover

Village 21 Evaluation

KUC delivers relocatable studio accommodation and education scholarships as an early intervention strategy to prevent youth homelessness and family breakdown. Village 21 is a pilot program in partnership with Anglicare that provides accommodation combined with wrap-around supports to at-risk young people, aged 18-21, leaving Out of Home Care (OOHC) or already post-care.

Funds contributed to the evaluation of the program.


Marninwarntikura Fitzroy Women’s Resource Centre

Marninwarntikura Fitzroy Women’s Resource Centre

The Resource Centre supports and advocates for the children, young people and families of Fitzroy Crossing in WA. Untied funding for strategic priorities.


National Trust

National Trust

Mooramong Conservation and Activation Project

Mooramong is an historically significant property in Skipton, Victoria. An important site for local indigenous owners, the Wathaurung people, it also has associations with the earliest Western District European settlers. Additionally, it is the site of the Mackinnon Nature Reserve, under covenant for protection between the National Trust and the Victorian Trust for Nature. Funding for conservation and repair works.


Nature Glenelg Trust

Nature Glenelg Trust

Nature Glenelg Trust is an environmental organisation which protects and enhances the natural environment with emphasis on all forms of ecological restoration including wetlands across south-east Australia. Operational funding.


National Trust

Ngadju Conservation Aboriginal Corporation

Staff Salary

Ngadju Conservation is working with the Ngadju community in Western Australia to increase the understanding of conservation and land management opportunities and to assist in building capacity to achieve them. Ngadju rangers care for the Ngadju Native Title Lands. Funding contributing to the Business Manager’s salary.


Royal Flying Doctor Service

Royal Flying Doctor Service

Flying Doctor Speech Therapy Program

The Flying Doctor Speech Therapy service is working in partnership with Robinvale District Health and the Mallee Track Health and Community Service to ensure that children between 0-12 in the Mallee area can access local speech therapy services.


Smiling Mind
Smiling Mind

Save the Children

Hands on Learning

An alternative education program that addresses the problem of disengaged young people leaving school early. At risk Year 7-10 students spend one day a week taking part in creative building projects that benefit the school and the community.


Smiling Mind

Seed Indigenous Youth Climate Network

Australia’s first and only Indigenous, youth-led, climate, non-profit organisation is a powerful, national grassroots network of over 250 volunteers. Operational funding.


Streetsmart Australia

Streetsmart Australia

Streetsmart fundraise to support grass-roots projects that tackle homelessness. Operational funding.


Smiling Mind

Tasmanian Land Conservancy

The Tasmanian Land Conservancy is a not-for-profit, apolitical, science and community-based organisation that raises funds from the public to protect irreplaceable sites and rare ecosystems by buying and managing private land in Tasmania. Operational funding.


Western Community Legal Centre Ltd/WEstjustice

Western Community Legal Centre Ltd/WEstjustice

Poverty is not Destiny: WEstjustice Out of Home Care Legal Clinics

WEstjustice is a community-based legal service which provides free, accessible and equitable legal services to people in the western suburbs of Melbourne. This grant provides legal services to children in Out of Home Care run by Anglicare Victoria in Melbourne’s west.


Yawardani Jan-ga

Yawardani Jan-ga

Yawardani Jan-ga is based on Kimberley country and supports Aboriginal young people aged 6-26 years through equine assisted learning. Infrastructure funding.


You Matter

You Matter

You Matter supports women and children who have experienced family violence by supplying and setting up the contents of their long term accommodation. Operational funding.


Western Community Legal Centre Ltd/WEstjustice

Youth Law

Smart Justice for Young People

Youth Law leads and resources the work of the youth justice advocacy coalition by facilitating and supporting SJ4YP members, supporters and the sector to mobilise and collaborate in its advocacy, and be influential in leading the agenda for progressive improvement and effective reforms to the youth justice system.


The Kimberley Foundation G3 Committee Grants

Mountain Track Youth

Mountain Track Youth

Mountain Track is a community-led youth intervention program.


Ocean Mind

Ocean Mind

A therapeutic surfing charity that enriches people’s mental health, relationships and potential through surfing.


Worthy Cause Social Enterprise Ltd

Worthy Cause Social Enterprise Ltd

Worthy Cause is a social enterprise based in Melbourne that offers a life changing employment program to people who have endured hardships and marginalisation.
